Friday, September 12, 2014

Succesful library run ...

Last Friday, I've introduced myself to several libraries in the towns next to me. I'm a new author so it is always a little intimidating to pitch your own work. I am working on that ;-) telling to myself that who is better than me to explain my work! Catchy sentence but I still need lots of courage to actually do it!

The first library I’ve visited early morning on Friday was a true success. It was easier as the director of the children department studied child development, so I wasn't not going and unknown ground with her. She absolutely loved the books. She bought me a series, booked me as a speaker for a venue and I will introduce my books to one of their baby classes (0-24months). It is all exciting news. She was so positive and cheerful, that I let it all go in. All boosted with absolute positive energy, I've decided to visit another library. My second library did not have baby classes but still a fairly extensive children department. The librarian bought me set for the library. She asked me for an invoice - which of course I don't have (YET!!!). Working in progress ….

The librarian, of the third library I have visited, was not so excited about the books. She was not super receptive to my pitch but still wanted to buy me a set. At this point, promoting my books can’t be all about selling but about educating people in a counterintuitive way to show them why My First Book series is a great books for babies. Look beyond what you see to see what babies appreciate! I offered her to join one of her baby classes and animate it with my book as support. Let’s see if seeing a live demo with is more convincing ;-)

In conclusion, it a very successful day, which empowered me to visit more libraries – starting next week - I would definitely encourage any new authors to introduce their work to libraries. It is very interesting 1/ to hear yourself, and how do you pitch your work, 2/ they always have very interesting feedback and insights to share. I grabbed along few keywords that I will re-use in my next pitch ;-) The only downside for me is that it takes lots of time to pitch my book.

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