Good reminder to let go with bad habits and embrace new good ones!
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20 Simple Habits to Learn From Successful Entrepreneurs To Boost Your Productivity by Amber Kapoor
Here are 20 habits people unintentionally pick up, that successful people make it a point to consciously avoid, always.
1. They Don’t Define Success With Money.
2. They Don’t Start Their Day Without a Purpose or a Plan.
3. They Don’t Set Perfection as a Goal.
4. They Don’t Surround Themselves With Negative People.
5. They Don’t Focus on the Negatives.
6. They Don’t Dwell on Failures.
7. They Don’t Dwell in Problems
8. They Don’t Concern Themselves With How Others Judge Them.
9. They Don’t Make Excuses.
10. They Don’t Get Jealous Over Other People’s Victories.
11. They Don’t Take Their Loved Ones for Granted.
12. They Don’t Underestimate the Power of Fun.
13. They Don’t Neglect Their Health.
14. They Don’t Set Blurry Goals
15. They Don’t Make Flimsy Decisions
16. They Don’t Allow Themselves To Be Victimized
17. They Don’t Live in the Past
18. They Don’t Resist Change
19. They Don’t Stop Learning
20. They Don’t End The Day Without Giving Thanks.
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